Check-in Schedule
Onsite Check-in Schedule:
Saturday, 10 am-6 pm*
Sunday, 9 am-6 pm
Monday-Friday, 7:30 am-5:30 pm
*PLEASE NOTE: Registration closes at 6 pm on Saturday. Once registration closes, you will not be able to enter camp.
Weekly Schedule
This is a sample schedule. The actual schedule may vary, with changes announced—but be ready for anything!
10 am-6 pm - Our gates open!
The gate will be open and check-in will take place only at specific times. Outside of those hours, the gate will be closed. About a month before the event, you'll receive a gate code from us in an email. If you arrive after check-in closes, we ask you to leave your car near the check-in shelter and come back promptly the next morning when check-in opens.
9 am-6 pm - Gates are open
You'll want to be in camp no later than 12 noon on Sunday, as this is the day when it all comes together!
12 noon - Blanket Fair
Instructors will set out blankets around the main fire area to promote their classes or trade goods. This gives you a chance to meet the instructors, understand their classes, and find out where they’re camped or teaching during the gathering.
2 pm - Opening Circle and Fire / Announcements / Commercials
Everyone is invited to gather around the Main Camp fire, where we will welcome you and go over camp essentials, and where all instructors will introduce themselves and what they do. Bring some shade!
4-5:30 pm - Primitive Skills Basics (formerly "Symposiums")
Skills in fiber, fire, flint, and knife are taught by a myriad of instructors in these classes that introduce you to some of the essential skills, without interfering with your learning during the week. All of these skills will also be taught during the week.
6 pm - Dinner
The first meal served for registrants.
Dark:30 - First-Timers' Meeting
Gather with other first-time attendees to get oriented to camp, meet a few folks, and be ready for the week ahead.
Monday - Friday
8:45 am - Morning Announcements
Listen for the drums, the conch, and general coming together of people. Announcements about class changes (new location, schedule change, etc.) and general announcements start promptly at 8:45 am every morning, starting Monday morning.
Classes generally take place between 9 am and 5 pm, though some might begin early in the morning or run later in the evening. Some are 1-2 hours, some are 1/2 day, and some are multi-day.
Special afternoon or evening activities take place throughout the week. Below is an example of a typical schedule, but keep in mind that it changes year to year.
Monday evening, 7-9:30 pm - Talent at the Cabin Porch
An evening that encourages creativity, collaboration, and music happening throughout camp all week.
Tuesday evening, Dark:30 - Trade Blanket
Open to everyone in camp, so bring items to trade. Got canning jars of cherries? A basket? An axe to grind? Led by Alan Kaufman.
Wednesday evening, Dark:30 - Music and Other Possibilities Down There
Hosted by the “Down There Tourism Board,” aka Tom DuckMan and his crew.
Thursday, 5 pm - Raffle
To support our scholarship fund, with items donated by instructors. Stay tuned for location.
Thursday, 3-5:30 pm, and Friday, 2-5 pm - Barter Fair
Everyone is welcome to put out a blanket with their items to trade or sell. Preferably, items will be handmade or gathered, or related to primitive skills—tools and such.
Thursday night - Mask Night
See you there, if we can figure out who you are...
Friday, 5-6 pm - Closing Circle